Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Hope story

The moon speaks                                                       
"I love the students"said the moon"especially the students of nights ,their drowsy eyes remind me of humanity and their pale faces are as bright as the light of a star in a darkish night, every time I pass of the the city I see an open light in their rooms,all people are sleeping except them they are the owner of the night that I whom lighten the city"
"Last week. I saw a girl that she was as young as the Rose in its first day,her face was as innocent as the newborn child or a Fluttershy"

"Danya won't you come to sleep"a warm voice was calling this girl while she was studying،this was her mum"sorry mum I have not completed yet"said Danya ,she yawned and looked at me I blushed then she got up and looked at me closely with her eyes glowing like the pearls ,she said"I will try to do sonething for my country,for my Iraq,oh God help me".
I really was so shocked of her speach that made love her too much then she continued studying and i was lightening her room all the night till she slept.she was sleeping like an innocent child with the books under her hands while she was sleeping i wanted to be her blanket if the weather got cooler when the dawn come I bid her goodbye then I kissed her forehead

   The tree                                                                          
"I like looking at young people ,they reminds me of the aroma of the new buds and I see the energy in them,if only i could give my apples to someone ,i would certainly give it all to them to cheer them up.............every morning I see a young lady, her energy is just like the new sunflower when she follows the sun,I am sure just when I see her eyes my heart beats faster,she always comes in the same time everyday and water the little roses that wanted to be closer to kiss her hands, and when I saw her being closer She said to me:(hello grandpa!!) actually i did not know what she meant but it was funny to throw some leaves to wave to her,I heard her dad calling her Danya ,he seemed so kind man and he loved her too much.
When she leaves I tell her my sweet sentence :(I will miss you If i don't see you then I will look for you in the crowd)I told her.
Then I heard some roses laughing the tree of orange told me that I am bad in writing love poemslol.

                    The nightingale                                                                 
"Oneday ,I landed on a big building it seemed that it was a college ,I tried to find water cuz i was so hungry,I entered this building, I looked around then I heard a sweet voice it seems a girl's voice,it was as sweet as the voice of common loon in North America, She sang with all her heart,she sang a French song about Baghdad,the name of this city she lives in ,her friends were listening to her and I listened of course 

"Here it is ,the real love I was really looking for"said the nightingale,he followed that girl whose name is Danya to her distination(she was going to her home),he sang all the tunes he could and all the tunes that he sang for the true lovers .
"She was thinking,she whispered to me when she saw me "will Iraq get up one day"she said with a sad tune as sad as the voice of canary when he is lonely,I wanted to cheer her up so I told her that your country will be proud of you and I am proud of you of course ,I flew around her and shacked my wings to give her hope but she could not notice me after all,I tried to tell her that one day you will be able to 
raise your country up and he will certainly get up"

The moon

"Oneday ,I landed on a big building it seemed that it was a college ,I tried to find water cuz i was so hungry,I entered this building, I looked around then I heard a sweet voice it seems a girl's voice,it was as sweet as the voice of common loon in North America, She sang with all her heart,she sang a French song about Baghdad,the name of this city she lives in ,her friends were listening to her and I listened of course 

"Here it is ,the real love I was really looking for"said the nightingale,he followed that girl whose name is Danya to her distination(she was going to her home),he sang all the tunes he could and all the tunes that he sang for the true lovers .
"She was thinking,she whispered to me when she saw me "will Iraq get up one day"she said with a sad tune as sad as the voice of canary when he is lonely,I wanted to cheer her up so I told her that your country will be proud of you and I am proud of you of course ,I flew around her and shacked my wings to give her hope but she could not notice me after all,I tried to tell her that one day you will be able to raise your country up and he will certainly get up"
